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Action for Captions

See below to access our guides on live captioning for classrooms.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, SWF have been rigorously testing the use of live classroom captions as an accessibility tool and have learned a lot. 
Live captions is a speech-to-text AI technology which is easy to use and readily available for free, making it simple and cost-effective for any school or organisation to adopt. We have created a series of guides that can help.
Please contact us to:
- learn more about our Action for Captions campaign, or
- to benefit from our learning, knowledge and best practice from our trials in schools, plus hardware advice and software guides.


'Action for Captions' is a pioneering project created by Sound Waves Foundation whose vision is to make education and communication more accessible for deaf children.

If deaf children cannot hear spoken words accurately or lip read a speaker they will miss critical learning.
 Research by NDCS shows it could take 21 years for deaf children to catch up with hearing peers.

With live captioning in schools, colleges and universities the written word can run alongside the spoken word and visual content for a child to utilise multiple senses to the best of their abilities.

We need YOUR help to spread the word to make learning accessible to all.

If you want to join this revolution then contact us:

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